Instead, I was out in the hay fields, round baling alfalfa with my dad. He does not have social media, nor does he follow content online except for agriculture news and emails. In order to make him feel loved on this holiday, I shared my time and assistance. Working in the fields together brought more joy to him than he can express with words (or chooses to, at times).
With the gap in today's generations, we often forget the value people in the Baby Boomer years, like my dad, appreciate more than just an Instagram photo or Facebook collage. It is the time we cherish together, whether in work or play, as a family.
Don't get me wrong, social media is great! However, it sometimes takes away from the actual time we spend and the moments we experience in our daily lives. As I leave today for two weeks training in my first big-girl job, I realized time moves fast.
I challenge you the next few days, weeks, months and years to not just take selfies at new places, SnapChat your life story and tweet every waking moment of an event. Make the people in your life feel loved by being present in their lives. Spend time with your parents and grandparents. Write a letter or note to a distant relative. Play a game in your yard with your pets or siblings. Use your time and energy to your advantage and you can be certain the people around you feel loved.
P.S. I do have the best dad ever. ;)
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